How to use tags and how to tag other users

You can tag other users on LiveTrigger: tagging other users gives you the ability to identify and reference venues, promoters and bands in your events, shows and gigs.

Now, when you are creating an event and want to add a band/promoter/venue name to the gig, while you are typing the name of what you would like to reference, a drop-down menu will appear allowing you to choose from a list of band/promoter/venue present on LiveTrigger.

You can create a new event on LiveTrigger using the “Create an Event” panel on your Dashboard or from your Agenda.

  • when you are typing in the venue name, if the venue is a LiveTrigger user, while you are typing the name a drop-down menu will appear under the box: click on the venue name to tag it and a notification email will be sent automatically to the venue!


  • if you already have tagged the venue the field “LOCATION” will be completed automatically by the system. Your event will be displayed on the map!


  • when you are typing in the headliner name, if this band or musician is a LiveTrigger user, while you are typing the name, a drop-down menu will appear under the box: click on the band/musician name to tag it and a notification email will be sent automatically to the band/musician!


  • type in the supporting act bands/musicians names – they could be more the one; if these bands or musicians are a LiveTrigger user, while you are typing the name, a drop-down menu will appear under the box: click on the band/musician name to tag it and a notification email will be sent automatically to the band/musician!



  • type in the promoter name: if this promoter is a LiveTrigger user, while you are typing the name, a drop-down menu will appear under the box: click on the promoter name to tag it and a notification email will be sent automatically to the promoter!