Alex Meister, gonna be the lead singer on the next album

Hi Alex Meister and welcome to LiveTrigger Magazine! Let’s start by introducing your project: what does make it unique and...

Hi Alex Meister and welcome to LiveTrigger Magazine! Let’s start by introducing your project: what does make it unique and where is based?

Alex Meister

Alex Meister

Thanks for your invite! I make music for people who want to listen to Hard Rock music, like was did in the late 80s and early 90s. I’ve always been writing this style because it’s what I really love. I’m based in Rio de Janeiro/Brazil.

How was your 2022 been so far?

The year has just begun, but it’s fine! All over the world, we’re hoping for the end of the COVID-19 problem to our lives finally to come back to normal again.

Tell our readers more about your new album release. Are you excited?

This new album will bring a lot of songs I did for my previous bands in the past, and now they will finally have the real shape that I’d like to do many years ago. And for sure, brand-new songs too.

I’m really excited to release this new album for many reasons. For example, it’s the very first time that I will be the lead singer on the album, not just only hiring someone to sing the songs that I’ve written. This time, all people who listen to this album will really know who really did all this stuff.

And what about the video?

Obviously, there will be music videos for it! I’ve already released 3 videos as singles that will be on this album, and one or two more will be done as well. But I didn’t choose them would be yet.

Where do you get inspiration and how do you create your music?

My inspiration came up from all albums I’ve been listening to since the late 80s when I was very young till nowadays. I normally write the songs creating the chorus. It could be a guitar riff or vocal melody, and only after that, I will be able to create the verse and everything else.

Who are your favourite artists in your local scene and what do they have in common?

Wander Taffo was the guy here in Brazil that really blow my mind with your guitar playing and songwriting. Unfortunately, he has died a little more than 10 years ago. Although, he continues influencing new guitarists till nowadays. There are other amazing artists here, such as Angra and Sepultura, but they didn’t influence me as a musician.

How did they influence your style & sound?

Wander showed me that it was possible to be a guitar hero even if you ain’t in North America. And Sepultura shows to the world that there are Rock and Metal bands here!

In your opinion, what is the connection between music and creativity? 

If there ain’t creativity, there won’t be music. And the connection between them is functional harmony.

Are you happy about what’s happening in your life as a musician?

Yes, cause I live making music and teaching guitar for more than 25 years. I think everyone who has this opportunity really received a gift of life. A lot of people would like to do it, but for one reason or another, they can’t.

What’s the most exciting thing that happened to you recently?

It was getting back to my solo career, but now also as lead singer. It’s the very first time I’m doing this, and it all seems like brand new to me. It’s also the chance to show the audience what I’ve really been doing as a songwriter in all bands and projects I’ve released till nowadays.

 What about your next gigs. Are you planning a tour?

Because of the pandemic problem, we still aren’t able to plan tours. A lot of live venues have closed here because of it for example. My focus is to finish the production of the new album first and then I will try to figure out how can I will do it. 

What’s the best live music show you’ve seen recently?

Vince Neil solo band at M3 Rock festival 2019. His band is really amazing and Vince was singing very well! It was a nice surprise! Because of the pandemic, it’s much more difficult for great gigs happen around the world. I hope all goes well soon.

How can our readers follow you on social media?

It’s very easy! Just find me @alexmeisterofficial on Instagram, and for Alex Meister on Facebook. All albums and singles I’ve been released all over these years such as my solo career and bands I’ve played like Marenna-Meister and Pleasure Maker are available on every digital platform.





Alex Meister musician

Alex Meister musician