Hi Trash Heads, and welcome to LiveTrigger Magazine! We are really excited to support you in this new exciting release. Tell us everything about it.

Trash Head
Hi LiveTrigger! We’re very proud to have just released our new album ‘Vandalism’ just before Xmas, it’s been a long time coming due to the recent pandemic so we’re relieved to finally be able to let the public hear it!
Are you excited about this album launch?
Yes indeed – we tried to launch it in November 2021 but our drummer injured his back so we’re relaunching at a show on March 24th at the Lady Luck bar in Canterbury. We’ll be selling CDs of the album and merch too.
What is the process you use to create your music?
Usually singer/bassist AJ or guitarists Mark and Tone will create a home demo of a new song idea and share it via WhatsApp to the rest of the band. If the others like it enough they will write their parts and re-share the updated demos. Once we’re all happy with it we take the song into live rehearsal and hammer them into shape as a team.
And what about the video?
We have a video for ‘None of the Above’ (available on our YouTube, Facebook and Bandcamp pages) which was the first single released from the album. It was filmed live at a show and a good friend of ours (shout out to Andy ‘AK’ Kendle!) created an exciting video to go with it, without much direction from us in this case!
What are your favourite artists and/or composers?
It’s quite varied between different members of the band, bands/artists such as Faith No More, Radiohead, The Beatles, Arctic Monkeys, The Wildhearts, Black Sabbath, David Bowie, Cardiacs.
Do they have anything in common?
Probably that most of them rarely do the same album twice, or are constantly evolving their sound and taking in new influences – something we instinctively do too, but still sound like ourselves.
How did they influence your style & sound?
The heavier bands like Black Sabbath and Faith No More influence our rock tendencies, but then bands like The Beatles and David Bowie our sense of melody and songwriting and vocal harmonies. Radiohead and Cardiacs for our more quirky leanings too.
What’s the most exciting thing that happened to you recently?
We played a show that was a packed intimate bar to an audience of mostly people who hadn’t seen us before. By the second song people were singing along to every song and it gave us a massive buzz!
So, what’s next? Any big plans?
We want to do as many shows as possible around the UK in 2022, and we’re already writing our third album so if we can start recording that later this year all will be well.
What do you think about Livetrigger?
We love the mix of artists, bands and advice for getting on with live shows – not many sites seem to do this. We’ll definitely be signing up now.
How can our readers follow you on social media?

Trash Head Band Photo