Looking at 82Eliote’s artwork is like getting struck by lightning.
This Dutch-born graffiti artist based in Marseille makes it absolutely impossible to be indifferent when faced with one of his abstract and yet-so-solid pieces. 82Eliote’s style takes Abstract Graffiti to a new level, making him one of the most interesting artists of his kind around.
His is a gloomy space where, I suppose, thunderstorms form, then illuminated with his untamable, electric energy.
Hi, 82Eliote. Let’s start by introducing yourself: would you like to tell us a bit more about yourself?
I’m a graffiti writer, in his thirties but still feeling 17.
A pretty casual person, nothing extravagant.
I like to be discreet and I don’t talk too much about myself.
Mistery is the key hehe
What about your background shaped the person and the artist you are today? When did you start doing graffiti?
I started painting quite late.
First painting when I was 20.
I used to be into BMX and punk/hardcore shows, not that much interested in painting.
I have a very good friend from high school, who went to study arts in Valence where he met graffiti writers.
So he started to paint and in the beginning, I just followed him, taking pictures of graffiti pieces.
It’s only one year later that I started painting.
I used to live in Grenoble at that time and there was an active graffiti scene.
In the beginning, I just tried like everybody to make nice lines and pieces that could be considered ok.
I was actually struggling for a very long time before making an acceptable graffiti piece.
My first years of the painting are very different from what I do today, I tried a lot of different styles searching for something more personal.
What triggers your creative process, and how do you usually work?
I mostly work with photoshop, in an amateur way, without proper tools.
Often I start by doing a quick drawing without paying too much attention to the proportions.
Then I begin playing with the shapes I got, trying to forget the letters, and make something well balanced.
I also do blindfolded drawings on my computer that I use as a base for more sophisticated paintings.
Accidents and surprises take a big part in the creative process.
Lately, I’ve been using tags as shapes for paintings, I cut and mix them to have something abstract.
What are the themes that fascinate you the most lately?
I guess my paintings are about futuristic atmospheres and architectures, although in real life I’m not at all into science fiction.
What fascinates me since forever is nature, mainly the mountain landscapes, dark forests and caves.
Disturbing places that are storytelling by themselves.
Also, the shapes I make are often inspired by the not too good industrial and offices’ architecture of the eighties. Very simple plain surfaces.
You moved from The Netherlands to Marseille, where you’ve been living for many years now. What made you love this city so much, and how do you fit into the creative scene there?
Marseille is really a big city with everything a big city can offer and at the same time you can get on your bike and 20 minutes later you’re surrounded by nature with nobody around you.
It got the sea, the hills, the dirty suburbs.
And Marseille is a place that offers a little more freedom than the rest of France.
You can get caught ten times by the police and still pay nothing.
Concerning the creative scene, I’ve got a few friends I paint with which I like, the rest is not too exciting.
A lot of classic graffiti writers and beginners.
I’ve never really blend into the graffiti scene from Marseille.
I don’t like hanging around at graffiti writers parties.
I like to be unknown and knowing nobody hehe.
What were the things you had to get used to once you moved there, and what are the things you still don’t understand?
I had to get used to the people here. Some are a little arrogant.
And the way they drive around with their cars and scooters is just awful.
No respect for bikes and people walking.
Once you’ve managed to deal with that it’s all good here.
I’ve been living in Marseille for 15 years now so I think I understood the general stuff about it.
What was your quarantine like, and how is the situation now in Marseille? What did you miss the most during the lockdown?
My quarantine was pretty easy.
I live in a nice neighborhood now, so staying here wasn’t a problem.
I loved not having to go to work, I just cooked and painted all day.
Great times for me.
I just missed painting walls and checking friends to have a drink.
Who are (in your opinion) the most impressive artists also rocking the Graffuturism style, and why?
If only talking about ‘Graffuturism’ style, I’m really impressed by N.O.Madski (I’m not sure if it’s considered as graffuturism but anyway), because of his crazy style, his technique and the quality of the spots he paints, often beautiful virgin walls.
But I’m also a big fan of the graphic design of Icelandic duo Krot & Krass, Sluto and CAP crew for the original ideas and the humor, and Christian August (AKA Kid Crash) for his contemporary art.
Krot & Krass
CAP Crew
Christian August (AKA Kid Crash)
Have you ever gotten into trouble while spraying around?
I’ve been caught only two times in France and without consequences.
I’m the luckiest of all graffiti writers I know haha.
Some friends use me as a lucky star when we go out at night, so they know there won’t be trouble.
I had some angry people wanting to hit me but I always managed my way out, never had to fight because of graffiti.
So I’ll answer no, never gotten into trouble while spraying around, 100% easy fun!
What was the dumbest way you’ve been injured?
The dumbest way I’ve been injured was while doing graffiti one night with friends, we got pretty drunk and had the great idea of painting a roof in an industrial area.
So we got up with rollers.
This time I told my friends I wanted to start, which was a little unusual at that time.
So I started making my E and my L and than suddenly I disappeared through the roof.
I fell about 3,4 meters high. In the space where I landed the alarm didn’t get off, my friends managed to join me and wake me up.
There even was a ladder to get up the roof again.
If I would have painted a few meters to the right I would have fallen like 8 to 10 meters high…
If you were asked to customize a spray paint can feature your art, what color of what brand would it be?
It would be white because most of my paintings are made with black acrylic paint and the white spray can is for the finishing touches. Montana Cans probably.
What would your dream solo show location be?
It would be Amsterdam, for the nostalgic atmosphere. Barcelona for the summer feeling.
Besides being a mind-blowing writer, what other passions characterize you?
I love playing ‘Pétanque’, a game that’s typically from Marseille.
It’s played outside, often at the end of the day and it’s about being with friends and drinking!
(Since you’re already pretty futuristic) If you had a time machine, what historical period would you go visit?
Hmm difficult question.
I guess I would just go back to the nineties. Actually end of the nineties, beginning of 2000’s.
My teenager and fresh adult years.
Taking a car and going to music festivals in Spain and elsewhere.
I’ve seen live most of the bands I liked but the one band I missed was Hopesfall (unfortunately they became really bad after 2002 and I also listened to it without listening to the lyrics, turned out they were pretty religious which I’m not at all…).
What kind of music would I listen to if I were a fly on the wall in your studio while you were working on a new piece?
Right now, it’s Sophie in my loudspeakers but it could very easily switch to Molly Nilsson or Earl Sweatshirt or Leftöver Crack or whatever.
I used to listen only to Punk and Hardcore, against Metal, Rock, Pop, Hip Hop, everything else!
But I really opened up, now I can listen to almost everything.
As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
I had no idea of what I wanted to be when I grew up. I only cared about the present moment and having fun, and I’m still the same haha
Thank you very much for being with us, 82Eliote!
We wish you all the best for the future & stay healthy.
Instagram: @82eliote