Discover Tony Story, rap/hip-hop musician in Los Angeles, CA, USA. Rate, follow, send a message and read about Tony Story on LiveTrigger.

Tony Story

Rap/hip-hop musician in Los Angeles, CA, USA


My lyrics are a narration of my journey. They are the audible resume of my life experience. They are the high's, the low's, and the in between's of my adventure through this weird and wonderful place we call reality. It is life breathed into a microphone, and recorded into song. It's a plethora of experiences. If you don't gasp at the vulgar...daze into oblivion with the beautiful...and ponder upon the complexity of the deep, have a seat and stay tuned...there's plenty of life left in these lungs.

Oh...You wanted a BIO?
The beginning...I was conceived in love, reared in regret and birthed into misery.
The middle...I was born in Cali, grew up in the southeast United States of America (Nowhere South Carolina), fell in love with writing and recording music when I was 15, moved to Los Angeles when I was 23, and HERE THE ENTIRE F#!% I am!
The END?
I'll tell you about it when I get there. Until then enjoy the show.


Major (2020)
Las Vegas (2020)

Upcoming: Major EP (August 2020)

