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GigRoster™ Entertainment

All styles from classics to pop booking agency in USA


GigRoster™ is an experienced entertainment agency and talent buying organization, with robust booking tools for customers, entertainment planners, member performing acts along with our team of Talent Coordinators.


We've developed a truly unique model in the entertainment business for finding and booking local musicians and variety performing acts for any kind of event or function. We’ve built a platform which is free to our thousands of performing artists, bands, DJs and entertainers all over the USA Which allows our customers who are booking music to preview any artist, band or entertainer they are interested in.  GigRoster™ takes entertainment booking to the next level by providing our member performing acts a way to promote their own business in a targeted and robust way including free media, video, descriptions and sound clips, with cost to the performers. GigRoster™ is the only company in the United states and Canada that features a full suite of online promotional and booking capabilities and also includes personal assistance, from a team of experienced Talent Coordinators. Real humans, who, like our performers, have Real Talent across every phase of the industry.


The resources we have brought together create phenomenal growth potential as we continue to enhance our offerings and the interface for our customers who book their entertainment with GigRoster™ Real Talent and the thousands of performers who are promoting themselves in pursuit of booking paying events through our platform and system.


All professional performing musicians are invited to be a part of GigRoster™ with services across the USA and beyond, in the exciting business of music, entertainment and booking services.


If you are a band, ensemble, DJ or performing act and you have Real Talent, why not make yourself available for bookings with a Free Premium Listing on™? Everyone planning to book entertainment for their event or venue will have the opportunity to see what you have to offer and there is never a charge to present your very best promo, photos, videos and audio demos on the easy to use interface. Get listed today so you are available to get more bookings with GigRoster™

