Discover Nucclehead, rap & hip-hop band in Dallas TX, USA. Rate, follow, send a message and read about Nucclehead on LiveTrigger.


Rap & hip-hop band in Dallas TX, USA


Nucclehead is 26yr old Rapper born in Los Angeles California, and raised between there and Wichita Kansas where now lives. Started Cash Flow Business Music Label CFB. The songs written usually describe his thoughts at that time, like depression, oppression as a young black man, and bad influences around that can lead towards those tempting temptations. Nucclehead writes about developing ways to escape those thoughts and replacing them with fun things enjoyed, solutions to problems and being around good people living with a purpose. Being a work in process and creating this music and sharing it with others is Nuccleheads passion and purpose.  Hope to get everyones support with the views on Nuccleheads YouTube Artist Page Songs and Videos. Follow and Please Subscribe! A lot more to come!! - Nucclehead CFB


Posted on Aug 26 2021 at 09:10am

