Hi Surviving September, and welcome to LiveTrigger Magazine! We are really excited to support you in this new exciting release. Tell us everything about it.

Surviving September
The End is the name of our new release. It’s about a breakup that’s been long coming.
Are you excited about this single launch?
We love this song. We’ve received a very positive response to this song.
What is the process you use to create your music?
We create a couple of different ways. Sometimes we just start playing riffs until we find one that we like then we put the rest of the song together from that. Sometimes we’ll come to rehearsal and Steve will have a song written and we’ll learn the song and write our parts, ect.
And what about the video?
Right now there is no video for The End. We are throwing ideas around now, and hopefully we’ll start the video soon.
What are your favourite artists and/or composers?
There are so many different artists that we absolutely love. Bad Religion, Pearl Jam, AFI, Megadeth.
Do they have anything in common?
These bands love what they do. If we took one thing from every one of these bands its that they love what they do and they are real when they do it. The passion they have isnt faked.
How did they influence your style & sound?
Well, when your learning how to play, you mimic your favorite artists when you try to play their songs. So their technique is picked up when you play their stuff.
What’s the most exciting thing that happened to you recently?
We recently found a new drummer. We’ve had a revolving door of temporary drummers, but we found a permanent replacement. Lets Welcome Rod Herrick.
So, what’s next? Any big plans?
Currently we are writing our next album. We’re trying to get into a couple of different festivals on the east coast.
What do you think about Livetrigger?
We love the attention given to smaller bands. This is something lacking in the industry. We are also definitely going to be checking out the booking portion of the site.
How can our readers follow you on social media?
All of our social media is linked to our website .

Surviving September band