Discover Alters, band in Warszawa, Polska. Rate, follow, send a message and read about Alters on LiveTrigger.


Band in Warszawa, Polska


ALTERS is a progressive / post-rock band combining vintage guitars and psychedelic of the 70s, synth sounds of the 80s with modern electronic music, historic instruments (lute, viola da gamba) and original visuals.


ALTERS is made up of classically educated multi-instrumentalists and music producers, well-known in the independent music community, performing from the stage of National Opera to the largest rock festivals. The group also includes graduates of the Warsaw Academy of Fine Arts, who combine music with audiovisual scenography, installations and video-art. Diversified multipart compositions interspersed with songs and solo etudes create concept albums, which then are realized in concerts. ALTERS won a first price in Audiowizje Festival 2014 and their music video “Dawn” has been nominated and screened on four film festivals in Denmark, Canada and Poland.


LP "DAWN", Musea Records (2017) SP "100", Fonografika (2013) LP "MILD" Lynx Music (2007),  re-release, Fonografika (2013)


Posted on Sep 04 2017 at 02:20pm
