Different ratings for different users

We specially created 3 different kind of rating for the 3 different types of LiveTrigger users – You have to fill all the fields to rate a user and then click “RATE”!

1 – you can vote the bands based on 3 criterias:

  • people: are these guys assholes or your best-friends?
  • music: is their music shitty or awesome?
  • show: is their show boring or cool?


2 – you can vote the promoters based on 2 criterias:

  • people: is this guy an asshole or your best-friend?
  • reliability: is this promoter disappointing or outstanding?


3 – you can vote the venues based on 7 criterias:

  • people: are this guy assholes or your best-friends?
  • reliability: is the venue’s promoter bad or good doing his job?
  • sound: is the sound creepy or is it a pleasure for your ears?
  • locals: are the locals boring or cool?
  • accomodation: how was the accompdation (if provided)?
  • sound engineer: was the sound engeneer deaf or professional?
  • lights: what about the lights on the stage?