How do I confirm my email address?

Sorry if you’ve been having issues confirming your email address!

Members currently need to confirm their email address to communicate with other LiveTrigger members.

After completing the registration form, LiveTrigger has sent you an email with an activation link.

Please go your email address and click on the link to confirm your email address!

You need to to click that link to activate your account!

If you have not received the email with an activation link you can click the button “Resend activation mail email” on the popup in dashboard in order to receive another activation email.

Then go your email address and click on the link to confirm your email address!

Confirmation Email Never Arrives

Sorry about that! This can be caused by:

a) Please check the spam folder of your email account;

b) The email address connected to your account does not exist (or has a typo in it);

c) Your email address (their email server) has delayed or blocked delivery:

If your email is correct, but you aren’t receiving the confirmation email, or receiving it more than 24 hours after you request it, your email provider is likely blocking or delaying the emails we are sending you. Please try to whitelist our email address by adding to your email contact list.

For Yahoo email users, in addition to adding to your contacts list, please go to to your email Settings and check your Blocked Addresses list to ensure that those two emails are not on that list.

If you’ve already tried the steps mentioned before, and if this continues, you can contact us, cause you need to update your LiveTrigger email to a new email address that can receive emails successfully.

Confirmation Email Arrives, but Link isn’t Working

Do you see “Sorry, your email confirmation link is no longer valid…”? This can happen for one of two reasons:

a) You have requested more than one confirmation email and are clicking the link from the ‘non latest’ confirmation email we sent you;

b) Certain email providers, like Gmail, will collapse similar emails together. Please be sure to give the recently requested email a few minutes arrive, then check to see if the most recent confirmation email has been ‘collapsed’ into an existing email we sent.

Please note that if you are experiencing email delays, the email confirmation link that you requested may have not arrived yet, while you still have an older, now void, email confirmation link in your inbox.

It has been more than 24 hours since we sent you the confirmation email, you can contact us.