How do I create a gig request?

Once you are a subscriber, you can send gig requests to every user on LiveTrigger, venues, promoters or bands.

  1. use our powerful search engine to find who wants to book a show or help you booking gigs on LiveTrigger map (clubs, pubs, bookers, musicians or artists)
  2. click the profile marker name on the map
  3. click the message icon to write a message
  4. select a date – it’s mandatory
  5. write a message -it’s mandatory
  6. you can attach a file if you want (jpeg, pdf…)
  7. press the ok button to send the message

How to write a gig request on LIveTrigger

select a date on the gig request module

type in and write a message in the form field

press the send button to send the gig request on LiveTrigger

When you send the message you will be redirected to your inbox  where you manage all your message


If you want to know more about how to send gig requests and manage your inbox on LiveTrigger watch this video!


Remember that you can send private gigs messages even from other users profile page, always using the message button:

thats's hpw you send gig requests froma user profile picture